Shawn is a Multidisciplinary Designer outside of Chattanooga, Tennessee, with over a decade of experience in various design fields including but not limited to:  web design, brand development, illustration, and print.

While his career began in print, he quickly progressed into fast-paced agency work, and now he freelances full-time. His ideal client is small to medium in size and has a focus on ecological/environmental health and conservation.

Over the last year he has worked to secure a few clients to begin niching into theses areas of the market. His interest began in undergrad, where he transitioned from agricultural sciences early on to pursue commercial art. He still maintains a passion for ecological health, regenerative agriculture, and conservation after all these years and following a recent stint as Art Director, Shawn realized his purpose lies outside of the agency environment and instead applying his creative skills to these smaller markets. Particularly a focus on making a positive impact for our small farmers, conservationists, and adjacent emerging industries.

Outside of design work, Shawn enjoys no-till gardening, collecting vinyl, illustrating, and spending quality time with his family. Shawn lives with his wife Jenny, two sons, and four furry friends.